The Matsya Avatar of God Vishnu Saves Manu From Apocalypse

King Satyavrata taking prayer in KRUTHAMALA RIVER.

Fish asks for help of King 

When Manu agrees to help, the fish first asks him to put it in a jar of water, and then when it outgrows the same, it asks him to dig a pit, fill it with water and put it in the pit. Later, when it outgrows the pit, it asks Manu to transfer it to the ocean, by which time it is big enough to survive and is also indestructible. At this point, the fish asks Manu to build himself a boat and be ready for the impending flood. It also instructs him that when the flood waters increase, he should think of the fish that will then come over to help him out.

King Satyavrata saw a boat coming near him

When the flood begins, Manu boards the boat and then prays to the fish for
assistance. He gathered herbs and creepers and accomplished by saintly brahmanas, got aboard the boat, as the Lord Vishnu had instructed him.

Vishnu as Matsya Arrives On Time As Promised To Satyavrata

The fish then appears and ties the boat to a horn that has grown on its head. The fish then tows this boat to safety and takes Manu to the highest and driest point left on the earth.

Matsya avatar of Vishnu carries the ark.

King Satyavrata inquired from the Supreme Personality of Godhead what His purpose was in assuming the form of a fish. Matsya told him that all the three worlds would soon merge into the water of inundation. He told the king that at that time He would send a large boat for him to board along with the seven rishis and all kinds of living entities. Then, as the boat is tossed about by the powerful winds, he should attach the vessel to His (Lord Matsya's) horn using the great serpent Vasuki as a rope.

King Satyavrata Escaping by a boat given by Matsya AVATAR (VISHNU )

Once the fish was tied to the ship, the fish guided the ship in sea and kept the ship safe while the storm raged outside. The fish taught the Vedas to Manu and the others during the voyage. After the storm abated and everything was washed away, the fish deposited the ship at Mount Himavan for the people there to continue the Yuga.

Source: Internet
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